Quoting Coverage

Spot Heat: Place the mats in high traffic areas

Take 75-80% of the total floor space your customers are buying flooring for and multiply it by your sq ft cost to the customer. Remember to add a thermostat. The only time 75-80% coverage is required is if the customer wants QuietWarmth film to heat as much of the room and flooring as possible.

1 thermostat at 120 volts can handle up to 150 sq ft of heated area
1 thermostat at 240 volts can handle up to 300 sq ft of heated area
To double this add a power module

Total Sq Ft of heated area x 12/1000 x local cost per kilowatt hour electric rate.

Example: 60 Sq Ft x 12 = 702/1000 = 0.72 x .12 cents (national average) = $0.086 for first hour to reach temp then about half of that for each hour thereafter.

Quoting Spot Heat Coverage:

Since QuietWarmth film is thin and light, it can be placed virtually anywhere. Place the heat where your customers will enjoy warmth the most. With it's pre-sized mats, QuietWarmth can be placed in multiple spaces and configurations.

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So How Many Mats Can Run On One QuietWarmth Thermostat?
Really the Ultimate Answer Is Based On Your System Voltage.

150 sq ft of mats to 1 thermostat
on 120V system

300 sq ft of mats to 1 thermostat
on 240V system

What happens if your system goes over 150 sq ft for 120V or 300 sq ft for 240V? Simply add a power module. A power module is simply a "dummy thermostat" and is known as a relay. It helps to expand the system while allowing your main thermostat to control the entire area.

The power module takes orders directly from the main thermostat without having a floor snesor itself. When the thermostat calls for more energy to heat the mat, it nudges the power module to kick on as well.

The power module is to be treated like a regular thermostat, therefore it can only handle 150 sq ft for 120V or 300 sq ft for 240V at a time AND has to be on it's own dedicated 20 amp circuit from the main house electrical box just like the other thermostat.